An Ode To The Fusioneer
An Ode To The
“Here's To The Crazy Ones. The misfits.
The rebels. The trouble-makers.
The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules, and they have no
respect for the status-quo.” – Steve Jobs
It is hard to imagine a bigger problem than
energy. We know that oil, coal and gas
will eventually run dry. We know that
using these fuels heats up the planet.
We know that sustainable energy – which keeps earth habitable - must be
know the market will always do what is cheap and simple. Therefore, we need an energy source which is
cheap, sustainable, simple and green.
There are many options. Each
option has limitations. Sustainable is
often not cheap. Cheap is often not
green. Green is often not simple.
produces more energy than any other option.
It does so with zero greenhouse gases and on ubiquitous fuel. Fusion is therefore: cheap, sustainable and
green. If it works - it will trump every
other solution developed today. Why
then, should we waste our time with solutions which would be made irrelevant?
post looks at the constraints, technology and organizations involved in fusion
power. The failure to get ignition at
NIF is connected to compression, laser-plasma interactions, fuel mix and errors
in measurement and experiments. NIF will slowly decline making a shift
in research, not seen in decades. Ion
beams and excess electrons are discussed as a method for ion injection and well
preservation in polywells. The Lawson criterion
points to net power by raising fusion and efficiency and lowering conduction
and radiation losses. An argument that radiation losses in the polywell were overestimated is discussed. A 48% energy capture experiment using direct
conversion is summarized.
is covered, starting with the first fusion machine in 1958. Early magnetic ideas including mirrors,
biconic cusps, picket fences and rings are reviewed and connected to the
polywell. Biconic cusp work reveals three
electrons types which may also exist in polywells. The history of electrostatic machines is covered
including Elmore-Tuck-Watson, fusors and polywells. Issues common to these machines: cloud
structure, angular momentum, uniform convergence and modes of operation
emerge. Polywell mechanism is
illustrated and fusion with ion beams is mentioned.
organizations to realize fusion are contrasted: public bureaucracies,
individual innovators and amateur communities.
Fusion is unfit for government bureaucracy because it needs cognitive work,
has no deadline, disrupts markets, is considered impossible and has no war driving
it. Bureaucratic strengths and weakness
are discussed. Solo innovators add
vision and speed but suffer risk, poverty and alienation by society. The homebrew computer club is examined as an
amateur community; it is compared with today's fusion communities. 75 amateurs have fused atoms with fusors; these communities makes markets and acceptance
for a new technology. Finally, a desktop
polywell is suggested.
have never thought of writing for reputation and honor. What I have in my heart must come out; that is the reason why I compose.” –
is Failing:
is failing. That is the big fusion
news. A NIF failure will change
everything. The fusion experts did not
expect this. The goal for decades has
been ignition. Ignition is when the hot
products from fusion start a fusion chain reaction. The key is to trap these products before they
leave the compressed plasma, so they will leave energy behind. This has not occurred. Here are some possible reasons for this
2. Laser Plasma
NIF attempts to beat the first problem by bathing the target in x-rays. The idea is that this indirect method will
cause a more uniform compression.
Unfortunately, it adds extra steps.
These steps result in the inevitable non-uniformities [23].
3. Inability to Link
Errors to Causes. NIF requires a level of precision that pushes
the boundaries of manufacturing. Every
implosion is slightly different; either the target or the laser changes or the
alignment changes. Researchers cannot
systematically connect a change to a new result [23].
4. Hard to Measure. An implosion on NIF takes about 20
nanoseconds and occurs in a space of ~1E-7 cubic meters [30, 31]. Building the sixty tools to measure the
implosion is a feat of science - but we cannot help but wonder it would be just
simpler to avoid such ridiculous constraints [23].
5. Fuel Mix. During compression extra material mixes into
the hot fuel [23]. This cools off the
target, reducing the odds of ignition.
This mixing is due to three instabilities: the Rayleigh-Taylor,
the Richtmyer-Meshkov and the Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities [40].
use a number to measure ignition: the Integrated Threshold Factor Experimental
[22]. If this is over one, ignition occurs. One tenth of this has been achieved [23,
42]. That is the big problem. It cost 3.54 billion dollars to build NIF and
the machine was designed to exceed one [24, 37]. The National Ignition Facility has missed
Congress’s deadline by a wide margin [42].
Now, the facility is requesting another 450 million a year to solve the
problems [43]. They are touting a new
National Academies of Science report which sings the praises of the facility and
is a rehash of old work[45]. This is an
attempt to hide the glaring failure. A NIF
failure will take time. It represents a seismic shift – one the fusion research has not witness in
decades. Things are going to change.
Polywell Problems:
blog has promised to present the science as we find it; not as we would like
it. We have found big problems with ion
injection and the well. These must be
addressed. In WB6, there is a positive
voltage drop outside the rings. Any ion
formed here, would fall in the wrong direction.
Hence - to cross this gap, the deuterium must be uncharged. When the gas reaches the inside of the rings
it touches the electron cloud. It
exchanges energy with the electrons.
This heats the ion up past 16 eV and the ion is made. The ions fall into the center, hit and
fuse. It is important to realize that an
ion is 3,626 times more massive than the electron. This setup gives us no control over ion
formation. This randomizes several
things, leading to ion problems discussed below [87].
1. Ion Starting Location: The ion will form in random locations. A millimeter to the left or right and an ion may experience a completely different acceleration. Ions can form too close or too far away from the center. We cannot control this in WB6
2. Ion Starting Motion: The ion starts with some random motion. This includes a twisting motion – known as angular momentum. It also includes a velocity vector. This changes the path the ion takes into the center.
3. Ion Acceleration: The electron cloud is shifting. If this storm of electrons moves around while the ions form randomly - then the ion acceleration will be non-uniform.
4. Ion Convergence: A random location, momentum and acceleration it makes it hard to get the ions to collide in the center.
5. Maintaining Voltage: The biggest problem may be that the charges mix over time. The mixing would destroy the voltage drop. This will also hurt any cloud structure.
There may be ways around these problems. Ion beams seem very likely. In science, you want control over any
experimental variable. Ions beams offer
some control. However, a beam may add
complications to the experiment and it is important to keep things simple. To our knowledge WB-6 had no beams, but beams
were discussed in the past [94, 18]. Each
of these problems would make the polywell hard to test. Tests would not be reproducible, which would
be frustrating. These issues also point
to operations saturated with electrons.
Could you just dump enough electrons on the core to maintain the
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever
has.” – Margaret Mead
Part I: Net Power
This is the Lawson criterion. He argued that if you plot these loss rates
against the volumetric fusion equation you find minimum conditions for net
power. It has been adopted [21] to apply
to inertial confinement fusion and tokamaks.
A popular way to express this is that net power arises after hot plasma
has been confined for 10 atmosphere seconds [44]. Often, Lawson is used to excuse a fusion
idea, carte blanch.
far, research has focused on increasing the fusion rate. This leads to giant, expensive machines. These are far away from net power. Fusion power is calculated from the
volumetric rate equation, shown below.
In this equation: velocity is the speed when
ions A and B slam together, the cross section measures the fusibility of these
ions and energy is amount released per fusion reaction. The goal is to slam the ions together. When
this happens, it will convert hydrogen into helium. When two atoms fuse into a larger atom, some
of their mass is lost. This mass becomes
energy through e = mc2. This process
makes more energy than anything else known to mankind.
is the loss of mass. The electrons and
ions escape when they touch surfaces. Energy
leaves with this mass. Conduction losses
kill Fusors. Fortunately, we can steer
the ions and electrons. Like cars on a
highway, they will follow electric and magnetic field lines. Hence any solution, cannot have fields that
run into surfaces. The Polywell is a
fusor variant which follows this rule. Tokamaks,
the levitating dipole, spheromaks and stellarators all reduce conduction in the
same way. But, sharply curving fields
are not perfect. Plasma will drift
outwards in a curved field. This flings
it against the walls [68]. This could be
reduced by lowering the overall temperature [49, page 43]. The polywell and biconic cusp may also lose
mass by scattering it through the center [52].
is the loss of energy. Plenty of energy
leaves the cloud as light. Radiation
includes visible, x-ray, infrared and ultraviolet. When electrons are packed densely enough,
they will reabsorb this energy [17].
This is why lead can absorb x-rays [53].
In plasmas, this critical density is difficult to reach. The x-rays may also be reflected off the chamber
walls [54]. However, the plasma may not
be dense enough to reabsorb the reflected light [17]. Arguments against the polywell have focused
on radiation losses [13, 14, 15].
losses may have been overestimated [87].
During polywell operation, the electrons fly into the rings at high
speeds. When they move towards the
center, they encounter a ball of electrons.
This repels them. The electrons
slow down. They lose kinetic and gain
potential energy. This makes the
electrons in the center, cold. Meanwhile
the ions are attracted. They speed
up. They get hot. This implies the electrons and ions are at two
distinct temperatures [87].
is an unsettled argument. It directly
conflicts with Riders papers and thesis [13, 14, 88]. Rider argues that ions and electrons must be
at the same temperature [88]. This was
based off energy transfer between the two populations. This topic is not well understood. Rider had to write an whole paper to estimate
the rate. The paper has not been used in
19 years since. It has not been checked
experimentally. Since radiation scales
as temperature to the fourth power - hot electrons radiate more. If the electrons are cold then these losses
are much lower than expected. This is a
major boon for the polywell. However,
this is not enough to ensure that the Polywell works.
may be the most unexplored concept in fusion.
Efficiency means changing the input and output energies. Few groups explore lowering the input power. The NIF system is horribly inefficient. For every unit of laser energy, about 200
times that amount in electrical energy is used [69]. In response, the naval research labs have designed
a 7% efficient laser. However, without
ignition this will not matter [70]. By
comparison, fusors and polywells do fusion with almost no input power.
output power means finding better ways to capture the energy. Three methods have been purposed. The first is using the neutrons from fusion
to recharge fission material [71]. This
seems unlikely for cost effectiveness. It may be a good commercial application for
fusors. The second is using heat to
capture the energy. This method is valid
for deuterium and deuterium tritium fuel and will have a typical power plant efficiency. The last method is using direct conversion to
capture the energy.
conversion uses a charged particles’ motion to make a voltage. This voltage drives electricity in a
wire. This becomes the electrical
power. People usually see this process
in reverse. Ordinarily, a voltage puts a
particle in motion. Direct conversion does
the opposite. It has been described is a linear accelerator running backwards
[90]. William Barr deserves a share of
credit for demonstrating direct conversion.
Over ten years he developed experimental and theoretical systems to
prove this concept. Dr. Barr retired
from Livermore and passed away in 2004 [72].
In 1982, he demonstrated an energy capture efficiency of 48% [76]. Wow! This efficiency was realized on a real working
fusion reactor, the TMX. The TMX was a
giant mirror machine. There are many fine points to running these machines
[78]. A full treatment cannot be done
here. This method has been used to
recover energy in many ways [92].
First, it must get the particles to fly
straight. It does this by using a
magnetic expander [74]. This makes a
beam out of the material. Next, the beam
passes through a grounded plate. This insulates
different fields within the converter.
Next, the electrons are suppressed.
This is done by applying a negative voltage across the beam. The electrons are repulsed. Lastly, the ions push against a positive
field. This raises the voltage of the
collectors. The efficiency depends on
the number of collectors [91]. These
collectors become the positive side of a circuit. This drives power. The machine has extracted energy from the
Part II: Some Early
fusioneers were painters; their palettes would have four colors. These would be: magnetic fields, electric
fields, electrons and ions. Their goal
is to employ these to make the ions slam together. When they hit, they can fuse. The first controlled fusion reaction was
recorded in over 55 years ago. The
machine that did it was named Scylla I.
It was a pinch machine. It had a
cylinder full of deuterium. Electric
current shot down the sides of the cylinder [47, 48]. The current made magnetic fields which
compressed the plasma to 15 million degrees celsius [47]. At the time, only a few people at the Los
Alamos National labs knew that this event had ever happened. Mankind had silently slipped into the fusion
Magnetic Ideas:
mirrors were being studied by Dr. Posts’ group at Livermore National Lab
[5]. These machines were two plasma
mirrors facing each other. The ions
would bounce around the middle and hopefully hit one another. The field were similar to a bundle of wire
that is tight at both ends and bulged in the middle. A particle corkscrews along these field
lines, from one end to the other. If
the magnetic moment of the particle remains constant, then the particle is
reflected from the dense field. This forces it back into the center [49, Pages
30-34]. Eventually, the ion will be
lost. A federally funded, decade long,
program built many mirror machines. These included: Table Top, Toy Top,
Baseball, TMX and TMX-U [65]. The
program culminated in the MFTF, a 372 million dollar machine. They finished it, but never turned it on
[66]. Reagan officials cut funding to
balance the federal budget. The polywell
uses the same effect to trap electrons.
The polywell combines the fusor and a magnetic mirror.
biconic cusp idea was explored Dr. Harold Grad at NYU in the fifties and
sixties. Biconic cusps are funny
arrangements. They are fields generated
when two electromagnet rings are placed close to one another. The fields looks like two water hoses facing each
other – field lines spray out in all directions from the center. Between these
magnets there is a null point. It is in
the middle of the field. Particles
passing through this point are scattered.
It is easy to see how this is similar to the polywell, which is six rings facing one another. This is shown below.
This geometry was first simulated in 1961
[8]. Simulations found that there were
three types of particles: stable, erratic and a transition. The stable particles move very far away from
the null point. This particle has a
constant magnetic moment. When this
particle reaches a dense field it is reflected.
This is the same mechanism as in the mirror machines. The second particle type makes a full
revolution very close to the middles.
These are erratic. The third set
is a transition, between these types.
Fifty years later, Joe Khachan argued that these three types of
electrons exist inside the polywell [7].
And Fences:
picket fence concept was being pushed by James Tuck, at Los Alamos [6]. This used opposing directed wires in a
"fence" configuration. This
design became part of the tokomak later.
The ring concept was advocated by Lyman J. Spitzer at Princeton. Rings come in many variations. These include the spheromak, the stellarator, the riggatron and the tokamak.
Each machine has its own history and constraints. The ring concept has been thoroughly studied
and none are close to net power. As of
March 2011 there were an estimated 177 tokamak experiments either planned,
decommissioned or currently operating, worldwide [89]. It is time to move on.
Electric Ideas:
is another way to fuse the ion. It can
fall towards a negative point. As it
falls the electric field does work on the particle. This increases its kinetic energy to fusion
conditions. If it hits another ion it
will fuse. This was first observed by
Philo Farnsworth in 1935 [38]. The key
is to make and hold a negative point charge.
The point must be very negative, on the order of ten thousand
volts. An ions formed outside this point
will fly in from opposite directions, hit and fuse. This idea works. It is the simplest way to fuse the atom. It is the basis for the fusor.
Alamos - 1959:
team identified a common problem for all these machines. The electrons and ions can lose focus in the
center. This could be due to
non-uniformities in the cage, motion of the particle tangent to the cage,
collisions which do not generate fusion, scattering through the central null
point or electric forces between the particles themselves [85, 84, 38, 7,
86]. Ideally, ions should be a small,
tight, dense mass in the center. The
maximum ion density was estimated. The
clouds’ stability was also analyzed using Earnshaw’s theorem.
This mathematically relates the interactions within a cluster of charged
objects, to the cloud stability.
Stability reduces to a (+) or (-) number. They found the system had a negative or
unstable result [84]. This was an early
argument against these machines.
Hirsch published 8 years later. His
machine had a negative inner cage. This
was a major improvement. The negative
point could be fixed in space and time, because it was a metal cage. Ions would fly towards the cage. They could miss and hit in the center. This is the modern fusor (or IXL). Hirsch used six ions beams to inject the
particles. He observed that fusion had
an inverse relationship to vacuum pressure and beam energy. It also rose as more ions were injected [85,
38]. Like the Los Alamos design, the
inner cage made oscillations. The ions
would oscillate around the cage. This
oscillation resulted in a positive point forming. This was dubbed the virtual anode.
is part of universal question, common to all these machines: does the cloud have
structure? This structure has been named
many things: a multiple-well, a virtual anode, a space charge limited region, a
focused cloud and an edge annealing effect.
They all fit under the umbrella of structure. Is it there?
Hirsch and Bussard argued yes [38, 18] Thomas Dolan offered a maybe [93],
Rider, Thorson, Hockney and Nevins argued a theoretical no [13, 14, 85]. This is important. Cloud structure affects the ion and electron
temperature, electron containment, the fusion rate and the radiation losses. The cloud is also dynamic. It moves constantly. We need data.
We need measurements of the actual plasma inside a polywell. Different polywell options are shown below.
- 1996
Tim reported three modes of operation. Examples of the first two are shown above. This was consistent with George Miley’s
findings. First, at a high tank pressure
(> 2 Pascals) the machine worked in the halo mode. Halo mode is a board symmetric glow, with one
or two electron beams exiting the structure.
There is little fusion. The gas
is so diffuse that the ions cannot find one another. At medium pressures (0.01 to 2 Pascals) the
machine operates in star mode. Star mode
looks like bright beams of light emanating from device center. At low pressures (< 0.1 Pascals) the
machine enters the converged core mode.
In this mode, an external source of ions is needed to maintain the
– 1985:
ion can also reach fusion conditions in a beam. Some
schemes for fusion power include using ion beams [67]. It has also been proposed to combines ion
beams and Polywells. The Berkeley
National lab has purposed Fusion by having the ion beams slam into a target
[62, 64]. One problem with ion beams is
that they experience instabilities [63].
Part III:
power requires a machine which reaches net power - but it also needs a supporting organization. What is the best organization to realize
fusion? This section compares three
types of organizations. These include:
large public bureaucracies, individual inventors and amateur communities. Fusion is new. History provides us with examples of how to
realize new technologies.
I: Public Run Bureaucracies:
public bureaucracy excels when brute force is required. Good examples are construction projects like:
the Hoover Dam, the Suez Canal or the Highway System. It is good for scaling up ideas when there
are clear deadlines. Bureaucracies are
also good for large numbers of routine tasks.
Motivation studies show that routine work is improved by pay [33]. Unfortunately in any task needing basic
cognitive skill - performance will deteriorate when pay increased [33]. This does not describe the Fusion
Problem. The problem requires complex
research and is not wholly solved by routine tasks. A government program might be a bad fit.
may disagree with this. They will cite
programs which solved hard technical problems.
These include the Human Genome Project, the Manhattan Project or the
Apollo program. At present, fusion has
three key differences. First, Fusion
disrupts lucrative industries. The Apollo,
bomb and genome projects did not kill business at any major company. Second, fusion does not have a hot or cold war to drive it. Both the Apollo and Manhattan projects were partially motivated by work at nations opposing the US. Third, fusion power is considered impossible
by the public. The public understood
rockets and DNA - and this helped sell
the Apollo and Genome projects[36, 37]. Today
you are considered crazy to do fusion.
is one example where the government tried to tackle fusion-like problem:
flight. Flying was a highly technical
problem. It lacked a clear solution and
was widely considered to be impossible.
In 1898, Sam Langley was given 1.31 million dollars (2013 currency) to
build a flyer [27]. He attempted a brute
force solution. A large staff was hired
and a powerful engine was purchased.
Allot of money was wasted on issues unconnected with flying. Efforts focused on getting enough power to
fling the machine into the air. The
Aerodrome was expensive, complex and high powered. It failed miserably.
Bureaucratic Flaws:
Cyril Parkinson is widely considered the leading expert on bureaucracies. His book “Parkinson's Law” looks into
public organizations [28]. He argues
that they all share four common flaws.
The first flaw is that a bureaucracy’s’ size will peak, when its purpose
is most obscure. The classic example of
this is the British Colonial Office. Over
nineteen years the number of employees there more than quadrupled - while the
size of the colonies fell by a third [28, 34].
His reasoning for this is bosses tend to hire more redundant underlings
to improve their own stature. The second
flaw is that public bureaucracies finish their largest works when the
organization is outdated. Parkinson had
three examples of this: the palace of Versailles, the palace of nations and the
Vatican. In each case, the buildings
were completed after the organization has passed its apex of influence [28,
29]. The reason is an organization only
finds energy to build magnificent buildings after the important work is done. The third flaw is that the
organization governing bodies expand until they become useless. This may include executive committees, board
of directors or review panels. The
British cabinet exemplifies this. The
cabinet kept expanding until it had to be replaced by a new body. This occurred four times in British history
[28]. The last flaw is that public work
will expand to fill the allotted time.
Many people can relate to this rule.
we understand crunching for a deadline, and putting off projects when
there is no deadline. Fusion
has a deadline.
II: Individual Innovators:
A single
innovator excels when vision and speed is required. Individuals can move through new ideas
rapidly. This puts them way ahead of the
mainstream. This has good and bad
effects. Typically, the market has not
caught up to the technology. Hence, there is no one there to buy or invest in an
invention yet. Hence, the innovator often
suffers. Ironically, this may improve
development. Any tech entrepreneur will
attest to getting their best work done under financial duress.
III: Amateur Community:
community based method works best when a market needs to grow. The best example of a technology started by
amateurs is the homebrew computer club. The club started in Gordon French’s’
garage on March 15th 1975 [79].
Most of the thirty two members did not have a machine, just an interest
[80]. Like fusion today, mini computers
were also considered impossible. When
Bob Marsh saw the ad for this in January 1975 his comment was: “it is clear
this thing is a fake!” [82, 83]. There was
no market. Techies were just interested. The first machines were made solely for
hobbyists. This was the Altair 8800.
Like fusors today, early machines were clunky
and unyielding. They were discussed by
tech oriented individuals and in a technical manner. Early Homebrew newsletters read much like the
posts on Talk-Polywell or the Fusor forums.
purpose of the club was to combine galvanized people. Fred Moore summed it up in an early
newsletter: “…the club is to facilitate our access to each other…we each know
something or have something, even if it is only time and energy. The assumption is we are all learners and
doers…...” Working together pushed each
member. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak
described it as: “It was the types of people, their personalities, how they
were excited, that inspired me.” Jeff
Raskin got involved because “this is going to be fun” [82]. Members were engineers, machinists,
musicians, high school students and lawyers.
communities may be the most promising path to fusion. We see a similar group forming around fusion
today. There are three promising
communities: the fusor, polywell and focus fusion communities. The fusor crowd consists of amateurs building
fusors in their homes. Many connect
through the Fusor Forum. At present, there are 75 amateurs who have fused the atom with a fusor [58]. The Polywell
group consists of supporters of Polywell fusion, a fusor variant. Many connect through the Talk-Polywell
Forum. The focus fusion bunch consists of supporters
of the Focus Fusion machine. I cannot
speak to the soundness of this technology; but it is clear Eric Lerner and his
bunch believes in this idea. Their group
connects through the Focus
Fusion Society Forum.
Altair 8800 of Fusion:
get power, the direct approach has not yet been tried. Build a polywell with a direct
converter. Put in electricity meter on
both ends. Measure the power in and
power out. Do not use expansive models
or theory, just run this machine constantly.
Try and find break even. If the
direct converter can realize 48% energy capture, this may compensate for
radiation and conduction losses. This is
the approach the Wright Brothers would have taken.
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